MATLAB: Problem with the while loop

2nd maximummaxmaximumwhile loop

Hi Guys,
So I have this set of data recorded from a rat. It is presented as a spike-count average and normalised to spikes/s in 5 ms bins.
From the stimulus phase, which consists of 369 bins, i.e. in my case, 369 data points, I need to identify the maximum value and sample 20 points around it including it. Now if the maximum value is somewhere after the 360th time point, it gets messed up of course. So I then need to identify the 2nd maximum and sample. If that is also after 360, then the third max and so on.
So I wrote this stretch of code for it. The while loop gets stuck and refuses to go on. It doesn't give me an error, but it just stays at 'Busy' and doesn't end.
samp_resp = [];
for k = 1:size(stim_resp,1)
m = max(stim_resp(k,:));
c = find(stim_resp(k,:)==m);
while c>=size(stim_resp,2)-((win/2)-1)
u_stim_resp = unique(stim_resp(k,:));
max2nd = u_stim_resp(end-1);
c = find(stim_resp(k,:)==max2nd);
samp_resp1 = stim_resp(k,c-(win/2):c+((win/2)-1));
samp_resp = [samp_resp;samp_resp1];
I'd be very grateful if someone could help me out please.

Best Answer

Ah shoot sorry, nevermind. I'm not going to look for a 2nd max. Makes no sense. I'll just sample how many ever points are left after and make up to 20 with points before that.
Thanks though!