MATLAB: Problem with the polylog


I am trying to calculate the: polylog(3/2, z).
I have run both:
syms z
feval(symengine, 'polylog', 3/2, z)
evalin(symengine, 'polylog(3/2, z)')
and every time I take: MuPAD error: Error: The first argument must be an integer. [polylog].
But I want the first argument to be 3/2. So how can I face it? I run MATLABR2013a. Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

The documentation for polylog is clear that the first argument must be an integer. If you need a non-integer then you will need to use the definition of polylog, coding a symsum
syms k
PLz = symsum(z^k/k^(3/2), k=1..inf);