MATLAB: Problem with solving equation with ‘FSOLVE’

fsolvestarting point

I am solving a system of equations with FSOLVE. I generated starting points with
x0 = rand(2,1);
However, for some x0s, there's an error message saying
Error using trustnleqn (line 28)
Objective function is returning undefined values at initial point. FSOLVE cannot continue.
It seems that for some starting points, the fsolve cannot find solutions.
However, I want FSOLVE to immediately retry with a new random starting point rather than stopping and showing an error message. How can I do that?

Best Answer

Don't blame fsolve; the issue is you're providing solution points as initial guesses that aren't feasible for the system equations. Better solution would be to ensure the points are feasible before calling fsolve.
But, you can just try the brute-force route of putting the guess and solution calls inside a try...catch block and just keep might just work out ok.