MATLAB: Problem with Simulink + Arduino Uno

arduinoexternal modeexternal modelsimulink

So, i have a real system "Ball and Beam" with 2 sensors of distance and 1 servo motor. What i want to do is to use an Arduino Uno board to read the analog inputs of my sensors and to write the position of the servomotor. This is just what i want arduino does.
At the same time i do a simulink model to process all algorithms because the memory of the arduino is not enough. I think (I am trying it) that i have to use the "External Mode" of Simulink to this.
I have created a subsystem that reads the sensors and send the position to servomotor, just like an I/O interface and i have deployed this subsystem to the Arduino, and it works.
The problem comes when i want to run the hole model in simulink (i supose that the processor of the computer has to do this work), it seems that Arduino is trying to run the hole model because it sends this message: "Not enough memory on target to run this packet:SET_EXTPARAM"
Can anyone help me?
Sorry for my bad english

Best Answer

Hola Ignacio. Podemos hablar en español. Por favor explica un poco más lo que quieres decir con:
"At the same time i do a simulink model to process all algorithms because the memory of the arduino is not enough. I think (I am trying it) that i have to use the "External Mode" of Simulink to this."
Arduino UNO tiene sólo 32 KB, por lo que su capacidad para ejecutar modelos de Simulink en "External mode" es limitada.
¿Cuál versión (release) de MATLAB estás usando?