MATLAB: Problem with simscape Heat Exchanger (TL) component

fluidsheat exchangerSimscapeSimscape Fluids

I am trying to understand the working of Heat Exchanger component in the Simscape Fluids library. I have a basic model with thermal liquid on both sides on the heat exchanger (hot side and cold side) with heat exchanger in between.
But when I try to simulate this "simple" problem, the results I see are weird. The hot side fluid temperature reduces but the cold side fluid temperature remains constant (figure below). I don't understand where the heat is going?
Attaching the model for reference.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Hello Rohan
I think that the hot side is modelled as fluid flowing from a reservoir, through the exchanger and then ending in a second reservoir. This is correct.
On the cold side, you have accidentally fluid circulating in a steady state at a temperature determined by Simscape (looks like 293.15k often default temperature in the exchanger).This fluid cools down the hot one until equilibrium is reached.
Try setting two reservoirs in the cold side and adjust the temperature accordingly.
BR Juan