MATLAB: Problem with plotting/updating the graph in the GUI.

excel in matlab guimatlab gui

I have an excel file with 3 columns 'time', 'X-axis' and 'y-axis' and I want to read this Excel sheet via GUI in matlab and plot a graph in GUI. I used two popupmenus (popupmenuX and popupmenuY). I want to display the column names in these popupmenus which I was fine with. But the plot was not generated after I selected the column names in the corresponding axis.
This is my code:
handles.filename = uigetfile('*.xlsm')
guidata(hObject, handles)
setPopupmenuString(handles.popupmenuX, eventdata, handles)
setPopupmenuString(handles.popupmenuY, eventdata, handles)
function setPopupmenuString(hObject, eventdata, handles)
filename = handles.filename;
[numbers, colNames] = xlsread(filename);
function [x,y] = readExcelColumns(filename,xCol,yCol)
a = xlsread(filename);
x = a(:,xCol);
y = a(:,yCol);
function updateAxes(hObject, eventdata, handles)
xCol = get(handles.popupmenuX,'value');
yCol = get(handles.popupmenuY,'value');
filename = handles.filename;
[x,y] = readExcelColumns(filename, xCol, yCol);
plot(handles.axes1, x,y)

Best Answer

Your callback appears to be wrapped in single quotes. When the callback is a string, MATLAB evaluates the string. Your string evaluates to an anonymous function handle. In order to call that function rather than create it, remove the single quotes.
or better yet, avoid the repetition:
myCallback = @(hObject,eventdata)mainGUI('updateAxes',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject));
In either case, the way I read your code, you really want the function handle to call updateAxes, in which case you need something like
myCallback = @(hObject,eventdata) updateAxes(hObject,eventdata,handles);
or the equivalent in cell syntax
myCallback = {@updateAxes,handles};
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