MATLAB: Problem with multiple values on plot

plot values

Hi guys, I am having problem with repeated values on my plot.
Here is my code regarding the plot:
title('Intensity profile','fontsize',18)
xlabel('Wavelength (nm)','fontsize',18)
[L_pks,L_locs] = findpeaks(Temp_Lfile);
L_val = L_value(L_locs);
Both my L_val and L_pks variables are only 1×8 matrix. So, there should only be 8 numbers on the plot. Which part of my code is incorrect?
Thanks guys!

Best Answer

Hello Catherine, The last line will probably work if changed to
this is because num2str of a row vector is one long string, which gets reused every time. num2str of a column vector is a column matrix of shorter strings, so text cycles through them.