MATLAB: Problem with minimizing optimization function with multiple variables

minimumoptimizationunconstrained optimization

I'd like to minimize the function "x^2 +5y^2 +4xy-30x-60y+219". When I did it by hand, I got my minimum to be at 0,15, but I'd like to double check.
My total program is:
function b = f(v)
x = v(1);
y = v(2);
b = (x^2 + 5.*y^2 + 4.*x.*y -30.*x - 60.*y + 219);
v = [0,15]; %guess
a = fminsearch(@f,v)
When I ran the program, the program gave me an error that I didn't have enough input arguments. I think I had enough, since similar programs had similar code.

Best Answer

function a = f_driver
v = [0,15]; %guess
a = fminsearch(@f,v);
function b = f(v)
x = v(1);
y = v(2);
b = (x^2 + 5.*y^2 + 4.*x.*y -30.*x - 60.*y + 219);