MATLAB: Problem with mex compilation

64 bit compilerimage processingImage Processing ToolboxMATLABmex -setupmex compilervisual c++

Somebody please help me in this regard.When I try to set up my mex compiler,I get the following error. Please help
mex -setup
Please choose your compiler for building external interface (MEX) files:
Would you like mex to locate installed compilers [y]/n? y
Select a compiler: [1] Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express in F:\visual c++
[0] None
Compiler: 1
Please verify your choices:
Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Location: F:\visual c++
Are these correct [y]/n? y
*************************************************************************** Error: Could not find the 64-bit compiler. This may indicate that the "X64 Compilers and Tools" or the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) is not installed. To build 64-bit MEX-files Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition requires that these two packages are installed properly. ***************************************************************************
Trying to update options file: C:\Users\dell\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2010a\mexopts.bat From template: F:\MATLAB~4\bin\win64\mexopts\msvc90freeopts.bat
Done . . .
************************************************************************ Warning: The MATLAB C and Fortran API has changed to support MATLAB variables with more than 2^32-1 elements. In the near future you will be required to update your code to utilize the new API. You can find more information about this at: Building with the -largeArrayDims option enables the new API. ************************************************************************
>> mex FaceDetect.cpp -I../Include/ ../lib/*.lib -outdir ../bin/ Error: Could not find the compiler "cl" on the DOS path. Use mex -setup to configure your environment properly.
F:\MATLAB~4\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Unable to locate compiler.
??? Error using ==> mex at 222 Unable to complete successfully.

Best Answer

As the output of your mex -setup mentions : In order to build 64-bit binaries, the "x64 Compilers and Tools" and Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) must both be installed.
Please read this technical solution :
From the output of your mex -setup , I can see that you are using R2010a. The above technical note says : Note that in some cases, the configuration steps described below are known to work with MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a), MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b) and MATLAB 7.10 (R2010a) as well.
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