MATLAB: Problem with matlab function block in simulink real time windows traget


I’m using 2 cards to communicate with hardware which are (NI CDAQ 9172 and Advantech PCI 1710). For PCI card I’m using real time window target and for NI CDAQ I wrote a code using matlab R2011a function block to bring the data into simulink, but the problem is I got an error when I try to build model which is:" Attempt to extract field 'addAnalogOutputChannel' from 'MATLAB type'. Function 'NI9265a_AO0_PV101' (#18.242.243), line 6, column 1: "s"Launch diagnostic report".I try using ‘Interpreted MATLAB Function’ but its only works for normal simulation and not for external mode (real time). Can anyone suggest how I can bring the NICDAQ in external mode (rtw mode)?
My code is:
function y = fcn(channel,input)
coder.extrinsic('-sync:off','daq.getDevices','daq.createSession', 's.addAnalogOutputChannel', 's.Rate','s.outputSingleScan','addAnalogOutputChannel');
s.Rate = 1;
outputSingleValue = input;

Best Answer

Hello Zakariah,
First, external mode (rtw mode) requires code generation.
Second, anything you declare with 'coder.extrinsic' is going to be exempt from code generation. 'extrinsic' means that instead of doing code generation you'll let MATLAB runtime system handle it.
The error message "Attempt to extract field..." is because calls to 'extrinsic' functions default to a generic "MATLAB Type" for which we cannot generate code for.
If there's no explicit code generation support for cDAQ-9172, and you want to generate code for it, I'm afraid you would have to write your own custom C code that would interface with the hardware.