MATLAB: Problem with Java-Script – Cody Challenge – no solutions can be added

cody challengeproblem with dojo.js-script

Dear Mathworks-Community,
I just wanted to continue with the Cody challenge, but I'm not able add a solution for a problem. My browser (Firefox 50.1.0) shows a pop-up where it is written that following script is not working properly:…nverter-1.4.2-16b/dojo/dojo.js:1349 .
When I tried to stop or debug this script I still wasn't able to change the text in the solution area.
What can I do to fix this problem?
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards Michael

Best Answer

This is a froum supported mainly by voluntary Matlab users. We cannot fix the problems of the Cody server. I'm sure, that the Cody team of MathWorks will fix this soon, when they know the problem. So what about contacting the support team?
Whenever one browser shows an error message, I would try it with another browser at first.