MATLAB: Problem with intersect function

floating pointintersectMATLAB

I am using the intersect function but it seems to be giving only a subset of the common values in the two vectors being compared. I'm not sure if this is because of the way I have set up the vectors or whether I'm using the function incorrectly.
This is a simpler version of the code but with the same results:
z = -1:0.01:1;
zstart = linspace(-1,0.8,10);
zend = linspace(-0.8,1,10);
zmid = round((zstart+zend)/2,1);
[~,izmid] = intersect(z,zmid);
It should give the 10 indices of z which equal the values of zmid but it is only producing 6 of these.

Best Answer

The intersectt function does not allow tolerances, so floating-point approximation error is going to present problems.
Try this:
z = -1:0.01:1;
zstart = linspace(-1,0.8,10);
zend = linspace(-0.8,1,10);
zmid = round((zstart+zend)/2,1);
% [~,izmid] = intersect(z,zmid);
izmid2 = ismembertol(z,zmid,1E-2); % Use Appropriate Tolerance Value (Here: 1E-2)
idx = find(izmid2); % Indices Corresponding To Logoical Vector ‘izmid2’
z_common = z(idx); % Common Values (± Tolerance Value)
Note the difference in results.
See the documentation on Floatinig-Point Numbers for a discussion of the reason ismembertol works here.