MATLAB: Problem with generation of an executable for a GUIDE application


I've created a GUIDE application and I'm trying to create an executable with the deploytool. However, it doesn't seem to work and I don't know why.
My application is composed of a main file 'ClassTool.m' associated with a figure created with GUIDE 'ClassTool.fig'. On top of that, there are other functions defined in other .m files I added as required files and an image in png format also needed.
The first time I created it, it shows the splash image and then nothing. No error message, processus disappeared.
So I created it again but with the log file and the console enabled. Now I get an error message in the console when I launch it, saying : "Undefined function or variable 'hdlsetuptoolpath'. Error in startup (line 1) Undefined function or variable 'hdlsetuptoolpath' for input arguments of type 'char'."
Shortly after that, the console closes and nothing more. I don't know what is the problem, I'm not using the function hdlsetuptoolpath in my GUIDE application.
Does anyone have any idea of what could be the problem ? Below is the log file generating during packaging.
PackagingLog file :
mcc -o MFT_Classification_Tool -W main:MFT_Classification_Tool -T link:exe -d F:\ClassTool2\MFT_Classification_Tool\for_testing -R '-logfile,MFTlogfile' -v F:\ClassTool2\ClassTool.m -a F:\ClassTool2\AboutSGI.fig -a F:\ClassTool2\AboutSGI.m -a F:\ClassTool2\ClassTool.fig -a F:\ClassTool2\FindRefIndex.m -a F:\ClassTool2\logo_supergrid.png -a F:\ClassTool2\TraceFigure.m -a F:\ClassTool2\UpdateTooltip.m -r 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b\toolbox\compiler\Resources\default_icon.ico'
Compiler version: 6.3 (R2016b)
Dependency analysis by REQUIREMENTS.
Setting XILINX environment variable to:
Setting XILINX_EDK environment variable to:
Setting XILINX_PLANAHEAD environment variable to:
Prepending following Xilinx ISE path(s) to the system path:
[Warning: Adding path "F:\ClassTool2" to Compiler path instance.]
Parsing file "F:\ClassTool2\ClassTool.m"
(Referenced from: "Compiler Command Line").
Deleting 0 temporary MEX authorization files.
Generating file "F:\ClassTool2\MFT_Classification_Tool\for_testing\readme.txt".
Creating the bundle...
Web based installer created at F:\ClassTool2\MFT_Classification_Tool\for_redistribution\MyAppInstaller_web.exe.
Packaging complete.
Elapsed packaging time was: 42 minutes and 21 seconds.

Best Answer

Problem solved.
The startup.m file contained a line to force MATLAB to compile code for FPGA. I commented it and all worked fine (~1min to compile my app, and it works).
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