MATLAB: Problem with feed-forward backpropogation

feedforward back propogationinput data without seperated target data file

I want to design a feed-forward back propagation neural network in Matlab. I have data(prices) and all of them (1500days) are in an Excell file. I want the data to be fed into network one by one. I mean days 1,2 and three be fed into network and day 4 is my target, then day 2,3 and 4 will be fed into network and day 5 will be my target and so on. how could I do this? Is there any GUI for doing this? I don't have separated file for my target.

Best Answer

size(data ) = [ 1 1500 ]
input = data(1:end-3);
target = data(4 : end);
Hope this helps
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