MATLAB: Problem with dlmread()


I am reading some 1000 .txt files using dlmread function, the problem is some files may have unequal rows and columns. MATLAB is giving an error at that situation. I want to load all the files irrespective of unequal rows and columns, I don't have any problem if it made equal those rows and columns using NAN or Zero values.

Best Answer

That depends on the format of your txt-files.
Here is a simple case
fid = fopen('rugged.txt');
cac = textscan( fid, '%f%f%f', 'CollectOutput',true, 'Delimiter',',' ...
, 'EmptyValue',nan );
>> cac{:}
ans =
8 1 6
3 5 NaN
4 NaN 2
where rugged.txt contains
4, ,2
Upload a short sample txt-file.