MATLAB: Problem with “dirty” GUI configuration


I have developed a large GUI project using GUIDE. It is too large to convert to the new App Developer method of developing GUI's. Nonetheless, I'm asking for some tips on how to fix a dirty configuration issue. I modified the GUI *.fig while in debug mode. Specifically, I renamed tags on 2 editable text fields and scroll bars. I believe this somehow caused a corruption to occur. Now even if I delete the offending objects from the GUI *.fig, the file still will not save and I cannot seem to recover. Is there anyway that I may fix this? The error I get is shown below.
Thank you,
Kristoffer Walker

Best Answer

These are the kinds of errors that happen when a GUI figure is edited from within GUIDE while the m-file is paused in debug mode or contains break points. First backup your m- and fig-files. Then make sure all breaks are cleared from the m-file (from the editor, go the breakpoints > clear all, or use dbclear). Close the m-file and the figure file. Try running the GUI again. You may have to make all of the changes again from within GUIDE.
The lesson is to never use GUIDE while the m-file is in debug mode or has breaks (better yet, close the m-file while editing the figure).
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