MATLAB: Problem with data class when working in GUI…… plz help….


I am working in image watermarking, I m embedding a BMP image in Blue component of color image,
for ii=1:Mm
for jj=1:Nm
array2D(ii,jj) = bitget(blue_component(ii,jj),1);
array2Dafter(ii,jj) = bitget(watermarked_image(ii,jj),1);
I m collecting the lsb of original blue panel in array2D to be inserted back later.
when i m running the code without making a GUI interface using Guide, array2D is of class uint8 while when i run some as a part of a pushbutton callback it is saved as class double, now while the second bitget after embedding is recovered same as uint8 both times,.. I want to get bLue_component as uint8 with gui…. i m not able to find the issue …… plz plz plz help

Best Answer

You can change the class of a variable by casting it to the desired type using uint8(), logical(), or whatever class you want. It will round or clip the values to fit into the data type of the target class, e.g. 42.73 goes to 43 for uint8, 256 goes to 255 for uint8, 1 goes to true for logical, etc.
Perhaps you'd be interested in my demo that does LSB watermarking. Let me know and I'll post it.
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