MATLAB: Problem with dash and number of values


I was doing this script, in which I should have 72 answers (24 answers with each value of d), but I only have 24 value, hence, my script is only considering one of my values of d. Also, in line 32 it says the dash is incorrect, please help me with that. The script is as follows:
phi = 53;
d = 100:100:365;
for i = 1:1:length(d)
delta(i) = -23.45 * cosd((360/365) * (d(i)+10));
h = 1/24:1/24:1;
for i = 1:1:length(d)
for j = 1:1:length(h)
h_a(j) = 360 * (h(j)-0.5);
alpha(j) = asind(((sind(phi) * sind(delta(i))) + (cosd(phi) * cosd(delta(i)) * cosd(h_a(j)))));
theta(j) = 90 - alpha(j);
if h <= 0.5
beta(j) = -acosd((((sind(delta(i)) * cosd(phi)) - (cosd(h_a(j)) * cosd(delta(i)) * sind(phi)))/sind(theta)));
beta(j) = acosd((((sind(delta(i)) * cosd(phi)) - (cosd(h_a(j)) * cosd(delta(i)) * sind(phi))))/sind(theta));

Best Answer

theta is a vector so /sind(theta) is attempting to do a Matrix Right Division operation, which fails because the left side is not the correct size for mrdivide.
In order for that code to work, theta would have to be a column vector, and the left side of the / would also have to be a column vector, so that the / mrdivide operation could return a scalar (essentially a least-squared fit.)
... Or you could index theta so that you have scalar divided by scalar.