MATLAB: Problem with closeloop narx

closeloopDeep Learning Toolboxnarxnet

I am spanish and i can't writte well english but i will try explain my problem. I want to create a RED NARX for predict values of future. I imported two records (inputs) and (targets). I prepared data with command preparets and i create the narxnet with one delay and 16 hiddenlayers. After, i train narxnet and simulated the data i got the outputs. But this outputs are delayed and i want values in future for example one day. I must use closeloop for obtain data in future. My problem is how iterate twice with closeloop because i does not got targets in future. how as would be the code of this part (closeloop) for iterate two times.
Many thanks

Best Answer

This is what an open loop looks like during training:
Since it is NARX you will have one y(t) as the target and x(t) as the eXogenous input.
When you close the loop as follows:
you will ONLY need to provide the eXogenous inputs, y(t) will be predicted by the output.
Scroll down to see the code of how this is done:
If you don't have an eXogenous input x(t) then you need to be using NAR network.