MATLAB: Problem with changing data in a uitable that was created with Programmatic UI

programmatic ui uitable

I have an interface that creates a button that displays a table where the user can change some data. But when I try to change the data it shows me an error.
Undefined function or variable 't'.
Error while evaluating uitable CellEditCallback_
Also I created another button where I can save the data changed by the user because i need it for another function but I do not Know where it should be because I need that all the data has been changed and the storage it
The code is
% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1.
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
f = figure('Name','Estructura red neuronal','NumberTitle','off','Color',[0.4 0 0],'Position', [500 500 300 180],'MenuBar','none','DockControls','off');
% Column names and column format
columnname = {'Capa','Num Neuronas','F Entrenamiento'};
columnformat = {'numeric','numeric',{'Tansig' 'Logsig' 'Hardlim' 'Purelin'}};
% Define the data
d = cell(3,3);
for i=1:3
% Create the uitable
t = uitable('Position',[20 50 260 100],'Data', d,...
'ColumnName', columnname,...
'ColumnFormat', columnformat,...
'ColumnEditable', [false true true],...
pb = uicontrol(f,'Style','pushbutton','String','Continuar',...
'Position',[100 10 100 30],'Callback',@pb_Callback);
I appreciate your assistance

Best Answer

When you pass a string as a callback, the string is evaluated in the base workspace, not the workspace of the function that set the string. You should code as
set(t, 'Data', d, 'CellEditCallback', @(src,event) get(src, 'Data');
You might observe that after the data is fetched nothing is done with it. That is the same as what you tried to code: you tried to get() the Data but did nothing with it once you fetched it. I do not know what you were trying to program, but the line I provided above does the same thing you coded.