MATLAB: Problem with bwmorph function after upgrade

2013aImage Processing Toolbox

I had some previous version of Matlab installed on my computer running Mac OSX 10.8.5. I installed v2013a on Friday and since then I've been having issues with the function bwmorph. I first noticed the problem because some of my code that worked previously stopped working and gave me errors for bwmoprh. I then tried the code included in the help file and this is the error I get:
BW1 = imread('circles.png');
figure, imshow(BW1)
BW2 = bwmorph(BW1,'remove');
BW3 = bwmorph(BW1,'skel',Inf);
figure, imshow(BW2)
figure, imshow(BW3)
Undefined variable "coder" or class "coder.internal.prefer_const".
Error in images.internal.algbwmorph (line 17)
Error in bwmorph (line 133)
[bw, lut] = images.internal.algbwmorph(bwin,op,n);
Edit: I've already tried restarting matlab and that did not help.

Best Answer

You were right there was a problem with the path somehow. I reset the path to default and then added the folders with my scripts and it works without a problem.