MATLAB: Problem with animated line, not drawing anything

animated lineanimatedlinedrawnowplotplotting

I want to plot the value a metric takes while varying the filter sigma value, the code is as follows:
ImgOrg=imread('ROIOriginal_pgm25.png'); %Load the image
for sigmaVal=0.5:0.1:5
Imed=imgaussfilt(ImgOrg,sigmaVal); %Apply the filter with the sigma value
[peaksnr, ~] = psnr(Imed, ImgOrg); %Calculate the metric after applying the filter
h = animatedline;
drawnow limitrate
But all I get is an empty figure, I can't see any line or any point. I'm in Matlab R2019a.

Best Answer

Move the
h = animatedline;
to before the loop.