MATLAB: Problem with a gui of directories


Hi colleages, i`m preparing a gui for directories selection and other things. This is my proyect:
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stationsdir= uigetdir('/Users/mac/Documents/MATLAB/','Station Folder');
resultdir=uigetdir('/Users/mac/Documents/MATLAB/','Station Folder');
the gui works, but really bad beacuse all navigation windows start to open at the same time…
i would like to include al navigation windows in just one main window with buttons to select the directories… or something like this… and also a small box to define the station name (station='test4')
uff… is a lot of work but every comment will be appreciated..

Best Answer

Well that's different. msgbox just blasts through not waiting, unlike uigetdir and other such functions. That's why I've defined msgboxw() in an m-file in my utilities directory that is on my path:
function msgboxw(string)
Then I just call msgboxw() all the time instead of mgsbox().