MATLAB: Problem with a function

functionMATLABmatlab function

Hello everyone, I wrote this function:
function dz = nocontrol(v,z,parameters)
phi_0 =0.6;
psi_0 =0.6857;
psi_c0 = 0.3;
Lc = 3; %m
W = 0.25;
H = 0.18;
C = 0;
dz = zeros(2,1);
dz(2) =(1/Lc)*(psi_c-z(1));
my problem is that I don't know how to write properly gammaT. I'd like to express it as a function, something like this:
gammaT_max = 0.8;
gammaT_min = 0.7;
A = (gammaT_max - gammaT_min)/2; %amplitude
b = gammaT_max - ((gammaT_max - gammaT_min)/2);
gammaT = A*sin(w*t)+b
but I don't know how.

Best Answer

You have defined gammaT as a variable that you multiply by, but it needs to be a function of time. You will likely need something like
gammaT = @(t) A*sin(w*t)+b
The SOMETHING would have to be replaced with your time variable, but it is not obvious that you have a time variable. Perhaps v is your time variable.