MATLAB: Problem while generating C-Code from a fuzzy controller in Simulink

Fuzzy Logic Toolboxsimulinksimulink coder

I tried to generate C-Code with Simulink Coder from a fuzzy controller but it doesn´t accept my FIS file with the parameters. The fuzzy model is named "FuzzyeinfKK.fis". The FIS file of course is in the same carpet like the Simulink model "FuzzyeinfKKsimu". I changed in Code generation options the solver to Type "Fixed-step" and solver to "discrete" like in the examples. Any idea what the problem could be?
The error is:
Error evaluating parameter 'fis' in 'FuzzyeinfKKsimu/Fuzzy Logic Controller'
Caused by: Undefined function or variable 'FuzzyeinfKK'.

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