MATLAB: Problem when I want to display a graphic with this specific kind of computer: Windows 7 (64 bits) with an HD Graphics 4000 chipset (intel)

graphic subplot problemopenglrenderer bug

My problem is the following: when I want to make 2 or more graphics on the same figure with the function "subplot()", there is a problem when there are to many points to plot: the graphics appear on the figure but there are a lot of numbers spread out and stacked in the background. It appears only if I use the subplot (when I want to make only one graphic on the figure with really a lot of points, there is no problem).
This problem occurs only with the specific computer I mention in the title of the question. I've tested the same code with several computers:
– 2 laptop with Windows 7 (64 bits) with an HD Graphics 4000 chipset (intel) ==> displaying the graphic is a problem (no error but bad graphics as I was saying above).
– 1 laptop with Windows 7 (64 bits) but with a real graphic card and not a chipset ==> It works
– Several computers with Windows XP, 7, … and with a real graphic card and not a chipset ==> It works
So it seems that this problem occurs because I've this chipset and not a real graphic card. I don't know if there is something to adjust in matlab or in the setup of the chipset, or something else… ?
Here are the codes I tested with my laptop Windows 7 (64 bits) with an HD Graphics 4000 chipset (intel):
Code wich works (graphics with not a lot of points):
Code which doesn't work (graphics with more points):
Thank you in advance for your help,
[EDITED, Jan, code formatted]

Best Answer

Thank you very much for your answers. I had already done the update of the drivers but it didn't work. Now, it works when I do "opengl software" :) So, that's a problem with the chipset.
Have a nice day guys :)