MATLAB: Problem using the Secant Method

root methodsecant method

I want to solve a problem in which I am given a function (seen below) where W is 250 and I must find x. I have to use the secant method but I am having trouble with this as I only know how to find the roots. How can I do this?
% Function that determines the weight or downward force(W) of an object
% with a chosen vertical deflection value "x" in m.
function W = weight(x)
a = 0.15; %Constant value "a"
b = 0.05; %Constant value "b"
K = 2800; %Force of springs in N/m
L = sqrt(a^2+(b+x)^2); %Hypotenuse Length of Right Triangle
Lo = sqrt(a^2+b^2); %Unstretched Length
dL = L-Lo; %Difference of Stretched vs Unstretched Length
SINtheta = (b+x)/L; %Length of side opposite angle theta/Hypotenuse
W = 2*K*dL*SINtheta; %Downward force due to weight in N

Best Answer

I would add 250 to ‘W’ and solve for the root.
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