MATLAB: Problem using scalingLayer for shifting actor outputs to desired range

deep learningDeep Learning ToolboxMATLABneural networksreinforcement learningReinforcement Learning Toolbox

Greetings everyone. I want to use scalingLayer to shift my actor network's outputs to desired range. I'm using this reference and the code below :
numObs = 10;
numAct = 5;
actorLayerSizes = [400 300];
sc = reshape([10, 10, 20, 15, 15], [1 1 5]);
bias = reshape([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1 1 5]);
actorNetwork = [
imageInputLayer([numObs 1 1],'Normalization','none','Name','observation')
fullyConnectedLayer(actorLayerSizes(1), 'Name', 'ActorFC1')
reluLayer('Name', 'ActorRelu1')
fullyConnectedLayer(actorLayerSizes(2), 'Name', 'ActorFC2')
reluLayer('Name', 'ActorRelu2')
fullyConnectedLayer(numAct, 'Name', 'ActorFC3')
tanhLayer('Name','ActorTanh1'), ...
scalingLayer('Scale',sc, 'Bias',bias)
I'm getting the error below:
Error using vertcat
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
Can anyone help me with this?

Best Answer

If you remove ',...' from the 'tanh' row the error goes away. The way you have it now, you are adding the scaling layer in the same row as tanh whereas it should be in its own row.
actorNetwork = [
imageInputLayer([numObs 1 1],'Normalization','none','Name','observation')
fullyConnectedLayer(actorLayerSizes(1), 'Name', 'ActorFC1')
reluLayer('Name', 'ActorRelu1')
fullyConnectedLayer(actorLayerSizes(2), 'Name', 'ActorFC2')
reluLayer('Name', 'ActorRelu2')
fullyConnectedLayer(numAct, 'Name', 'ActorFC3')
scalingLayer('Scale',sc, 'Bias',bias)