MATLAB: Problem using nlinfit function


Hi everyone,
I am having trouble using nlinfit for making a regression with an own function.
I have the following script:
xdata = 1:150;
xdata = xdata';
ydata = beta;
beta0 = [0 -1 20];
n = 1:150;
y = nlinfit(xdata,ydata,fun,beta0);.
and the function fun.m is this:
function y = fun(beta0,n);
y = beta0(1)+ beta(2).*exp(-n/beta(3));
The basic original function that I want to use is a +be^(t/tau) to fit a set of data points:
I have tried a lot, but I get different errors, variables not defined, input must be 4 variables etc. Please help me out!

Best Answer

1. ydata has to be an array of the same size as xdata (I don't know the size of the array beta).
2. The call to nlinfit must read
y = nlinfit(xdata,ydata,@fun,beta0);
3. fun.m must read
function y = fun(beta0,xdata);
y = beta0(1)+ beta0(2)*exp(-xdata/beta0(3));
Best wishes