MATLAB: Problem save


Hello, I have a very simple question. I want to save a variable of the workspace as an ascii file. I make the following request ("a" is a int16 variable):
save a.txt a -ascii
but I get the following message
Warning: Attempt to write an unsupported data type to an ASCII file. Variable 'seriesb' not written to file.
The variables stocked as int16 are not supported by the "save" command? I want to save my variables as int16 and not double ( because I don't want waste too much space), or the same I want just numbers without digits… what should I do?
thank you very much for your help

Best Answer

If you do not want to waste too much space (what does the GB diskspace cost at the moment?), save your data in binary format, not in -ASCII. Then an int16 needs 2 bytes. As ASCII the int16 -32768 needs 6 bytes plus a delimiter!
What are numbers without digits? Do you mean integers?
Perhaps it is better to use DLMWRITE or FPRINTF to write your files. Then you have more control over the format.