MATLAB: Problem regarding RTW code generation feature of simulink

executablertwsimulinksimulink coder

hi I have compiled the C code for my simulink model(which just sends a constant value through tcpip send block) generated by RTW. Now to see that whether the compiled code is working I have made another model(which just have tcpip receive block and a display block). But the problem now I am facing is that the code compiles successfully, however no data is received by tcpip receive block. Please tell me what I am doing wrong or is this the limitation of RTW feature which is unable to generate code for tcpip send block. Waiting for your replies patiently SALMAN

Best Answer

Do you mean the TCP/IP blocks from the Instrument Control Toolbox? I'm not even sure that those are supported for code-generation (they might be no-ops). Have you examined the generated code to see if the blocks are represented in the code? From, what I know, you can only use these Host communications blocks for generated code: