MATLAB: Problem reading a text data

text datawhite space

´hi all!
i have a big text file. Its form is :
32761 43718 0 0
10847 21163 0 0
22127 10953 0 0
21791 10780 0 0
44054 33255 0 0
32990 43895 0 0
i wrote this
fileID = fopen('data_0db.txt');
A=textscan(fileID,'%d %d %d %d ');
the Proble are the Spaces btween some Rows. How could i eleminate the Spaces in matlab?
thank you all

Best Answer

fileID = fopen('data_0db.txt');
A = fscanf(fileID,'%d', inf);
A = reshape(A, 4, []).';