MATLAB: Problem of Dos window about the information of data postprocessing

displaydos window

hello, I met a problem about dos window. For postprocessing,I wrote a sript, and in every step, I added an informatin about what it happened. I used the command 'disp()' to give a clue. After I compilered my script, when I ran the file .exe, there is not the dos window about the information that I added(R2011a). But in the version of R2009, it had a dos windows. I thought this is because of the new version of matlab. But I want to keep this function,what should I do? thinks a lot in acvance.

Best Answer

You have probably compiled your project as a "Windows Standalone" (if using deploytool) or used the mcc -e option, which suppresses the DOS command window. You can simply compile as a "(Console) Standalone" to keep the DOS window.