MATLAB: Problem obtaining alpha channel of pngquant/tinypng files.

Image Acquisition Toolboximage processing

I am having trouble obtaining the alpha channel of a pngquant/tinypng file using imread. Is there another function that handles this properly?
[img,imgMap,imgAlpha] = imread('some_pngquant_file.png');
img (mxn uint8 matrix), imgMap (256×3 double matrix with values in [0,1]), imgAlpha is empty
img entries index into imgMap rows (RGB values in [0,1]). Could it be that I'm interpreting this improperly?

Best Answer

The sample "Firefox logo" image I found that had been created by the open source library did not have an Alpha channel. Instead, imfinfo says that 'Transparency' is 'simple' and there is a SimpleTransparencyData property that appears to give some kind of alpha mapping. The PNG specification does not permit true Alpha channels for indexed (pseudocolor) images.
Looking at the implication is that all entries past the end of the provided SimpleTransparencyData are the maximum (fully opaque.)
This leads to:
filename = 'NameOftinyPNG.png';
minfo = imfinfo(filename);
ACHAN = mfinfo.SimpleTransparencyData;
ACHAN(end+1:256) = 1;
[img, imgMap] = imread(filename);
AMAP = ACHAN(double(img)+1);
image(img, 'AlphaData', AMAP);