MATLAB: Problem Installing Matlab 2017b on Linux


I am trying to install Matlab 2017b on a Ubuntu machine (x86_64). I obtained the two ISOs through MathWorks and proceeded to merge them following this procedure.
Now I have a folder called /media/username/mathworks/installer, which contains two subfolders, dvd1 and dvd2. If I cd to dvd1 and run:
sudo ./install
The installation crashes immediately saying:
/media/username/mathworks/installer/dvd1/bin/glnxa64/install_unix: Syntax error: ")" unexpected
ISOs are genuine and the merging procedure was suggested by MathWorks, so where's the mistake?
P.S.: I also tried to install it from outside the dvd folder running
sudo ./media/username/mathworks/installer/dvd1/install
and I obtain this error
sudo: ./media/username/mathworks/installer/dvd1/install: command not found

Best Answer

The ISO was corrupted. I discovered this trying to mount them under Windows: dvd2 mounted just fine, but dvd1 no.