MATLAB: Problem in understanding ”Feature Based Panoramic Image Stitching ”

Computer Vision Toolboximage processing

I'm on studying the ''Feature Based Panoramic Image Stitching '' and I have 5 questions should I fill these 2 lines if my images are in the folder on my pc
buildingDir = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'), 'visiondata', 'building');
buildingScene = imageDatastore(buildingDir);
2.why we use eye(3) for projective2d ? match features, what is the role of 'unique'? tforms(n).T , what do we mean by <.T> ?
5. what is the role of step and imref2d in this code?

Best Answer

1) You do not need to change those lines provided you have a version of the Computer Vision Toolbox installed that is new enough to have the files.
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