MATLAB: Problem in saving/writing 3D images.

.nii format3dimageniftireadniftiwritesaving 3d image

I had 30 2D images. I concatenated it and made it a 3D image. The 2D and 3D images were of uint8 datatype. I wanted to save or to write this 3D image in a folder or a in a particular file. I used niftiwrite function for this purpose. But the saved file was in .nii format. Is there any other way to save or to write the formed 3D image in the same unit8 datatype in a particular folder or file?
In case, you require any clarity on the above mentioned problem, feel free to comment and discuss.

Best Answer

Use MATLAB's native .mat file format. See save(): It loads the numeric data in same datatype in which it was saved.
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