MATLAB: Problem in Matlab + Hadoop Intergration

matlab+hadoop integration error

Good Morning Sir, I tried to integrate matlab with hadoop and try to execute a simple program.But permission denied error is reported as shown in the attached fig.Could any one please help me to solve this issue.

Best Answer

The error log says, when MATLAB submitted a job to YARN, /tmp/hadoop-yarn/staging/root/.staging directory in HDFS was used for a staging directory, but you don't have a permission of execution of the directory. Because you're using root user, but the permission of the HDFS's staging directory is nitw_viper_user:supergroup:drwx------. It means only nitw_viper_user user can Read/Write/Execute, and local root user cannot access to the directory.
Simply, changing the permission of staging directory in HDFS would solve this issue.
hadoop fs -chmod -R 777 /tmp/hadoop-yarn