MATLAB: Problem in making heatmap


I have array called CV which has a value that can be 0 to 1 or bigger than one. CV is an array that has 35 values. I want to make a heatmap to show the value of each CV. I wasn the zero to be very ligth green as it increases to 1 becomes darker green and after one becomes red.
I was thinking I can use h = heatmap(xvalues,yvalues,cdata) line but I dont know what would be corresponding x and y and how I can design colors?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
I attached the EXCEL and sample image of it.

Best Answer

Here's a sample of how I might do this. Note that I'm using some randomly generated numbers. The 5th column is integers.
I define a colormap of light green to dark green (credit to this page for getting me started), as well as red. By using the ColorLimit name-value pair, I can force any value greater than 1 to be red.
This was more guess and check than actual reasoning, so no guarantees it will work in all scenarios. However, it should be close enough to give you some ideas.
% Create a 7x5 matrix of random numbers where 28 are <1 and 7 are >=1
CV = reshape([rand(28,1); randi(15,7,1)],7,5)
% Define values of green and red
gr = [linspace(.75,0,10)' ones(10,1) linspace(.75,0,10)';...
zeros(10,1) linspace(1,.5,10)' zeros(10,1)];
red = [1 0 0];
% Create the colormap
cmap = [gr; red];
% Generate the heatmap
heatmap(CV,"Colormap",cmap,"ColorLimits",[0 1.1])