MATLAB: Problem in generating standalone c/c++ code

code generationmatlab coder

I am using Matlab R2013a. My line in a function is
acf = autocorr(aX,[],2);
The function passed 'Check Code Generation for readiness'.
I want to generate c/c++ code for my function. After building a project, passing this function, defining the input data types, and then using BUILD for C/C++ STATIC LIBRARY output, I am getting error as follows
??? The extrinsic function 'autocorr' is not available for standalone code generation. It must be eliminated for stand-alone code to be generated. It could not be eliminated because its outputs appear to influence the calling function. Fix this error by not using 'autocorr' or by ensuring that its outputs are unused

Best Answer

Mathworks does not provide generated code for autocorr. See You will need to define your own autocorr routine if you want to use generated C/C++ code.