MATLAB: Problem in fscanf with reading the data


I have a text file fidr = fopen('..\source\real_input.txt','r'); and I have used xreali=fscanf(fidr,'%d'); to read it. fidr contains '-1'. My error is Error using fscanf Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier. Error in line xreali=fscanf(fidr,'%d'); Thank you!

Best Answer

The problem is in your fopen(). That filename was not found, or you did not have permission to open the file. You can get more information by using the two-output version of fopen:
[fidr, status] = fopen('..\source\real_input.txt', 'r');
if fidr < 0
fprintf(2, 'fopen failed because %s', status);
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