MATLAB: Problem Importing Text File into TimeTable

import filereadabletext filetimetable

Hello, so I'm still pretty new to Matlab and I have a problem that I have no idea how to begin to solve. I want to import this text file that I have into a Time Table. However, the dates in the text file are seperated by colons (ex. Date(dd:mm:yyyy), Time(hh:mm:ss) ). I haven't been able to figure out how to tell MATLAB to recognize that the colons represent the day, month, and year. I'll attach my file too, just so you can see the format of it. Any help will do, thanks!

Best Answer

Because the second variable is uses ":" as a separator, it is being treated as a duration by default. I would recommend using importOptions to specify that it is a datetime and set the format. This should get you something more useful:
opts = detectImportOptions("~/Downloads/ShortTextFile.txt","VariableNamesLine",3);
opts = setvaropts(opts,"Date_dd_mm_yyyy_","Type","datetime","InputFormat","dd:MM:yyyy")
t = readtable("~/Downloads/ShortTextFile.txt",opts);
t.Time = t.Date_dd_mm_yyyy_ + t.Time_hh_mm_ss_;
tt = table2timetable(t,'RowTimes','Time')