MATLAB: Problem having isoutlier detecting anything


I have what looks like a very easy problem but I cannot seem to solve it. I have a dataset (attached) that has some obvious (to the human eye) outliers.
I cannot get isoutlier to detect it in any way. My attempt is essentially this:
idx = isoutlier(x(:,2),'movmedian',w);
I have put the code in a for loop, spanning all possible values of w, I get at most 3 outliers detected when the window size is 3 and those detected are not actually outliers.
Using movmean instead movmedian detects no outliers for any value of w. I have also played with the threshold factor, but without luck. This seemed to me like a straightforward application for the outlier detection. What am I missing?

Best Answer

One possible way to detect this type of outlier would be like this:
% Assuming that data has 2nd order polynomial curve trend
p = polyfit(x(:,1),x(:,2),2);
y = polyval(p,x(:,1));
% Detect outlier in de-trend data
idx = isoutlier(x(:,2)-y);
% Show the result
hold on
legend({'Original data','Detected outlier'},'FontSize',14)