MATLAB: Problem getting array after multiplication/division


Hello, in the code below, I wanted to get an array for "Hp" for all the values of "f". I am only getting 1 value for "Hp". Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
R1 = 10000;
R2 = 10000;
C = 1*10e-6;
f = 0:1000;
f1 = 1/(2*pi*R1*C);
f2 = (R1 + R2)/(2 * pi * R1 * R2 * C);
K = 1;
%lgspA = logspace(0,5,1000);
Hp = K * (1 + (f./f1))/(1 + (f./f2));

Best Answer

Hp = K * (1 + (f./f1))./(1 + (f./f2));
You are missing the . in yours when dividing your two terms.