MATLAB: Problem finding limits when L’hopital’s rule is needed


Now that I have an expression f(x)=(x^2-1)/(exp(x)-exp(1)), and I want its limit at x -> 1, according to L'hopital's rule it should be 2/e and so does the plot tells me. However when I use the limit function limit((x^2-1)/(exp(x)-exp(1)),x,1,'right') or limit((x^2-1)/(exp(x)-exp(1)),x,1,'left') it tells me the result is 0.

Best Answer

As always, you need to be careful when using floating point numbers. See the difference between what I wrote here, and what you did.
ans =
As you can see, the only thing I did differently was use exp(sym(1)) instead of exp(1). The problem is, exp(1) is not the same as exp(sym(1)). exp(1) is internally converted to a double precision number, BEFORE it is passed to the symbolic tool. The latter is a symbolic form. The former, just a number that closely approximates the other.
vpa(exp(sym(1)) - exp(1))
ans =
So, then when limit is applied to that function as you write it, the denominator does not in fact approach zero, while the numerator does approach zero. So limit has no problem with returning zero as a result to your original function.
Just for kicks, I had to try passing this function into my own limit estimation tool. Limest is on the file exchange, although limit does just fine.
format long g
[L,Lerr] = limest(@(x) (x.^2-1)./(exp(x)-exp(1)),1)
L =
Lerr =
ans =
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