MATLAB: Problem existing with Parrot minidrone in trying to fly

bluetoothbluetooth connectionminidroneparrotparrot minidroneparrot minidronessimulink

Hello, I'm working on research and development at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.I have done all I needed to do to connect the Mambo to the computer via bluetooth correctly (I can ping to and I get answer). Also, simulink allows me to deploy the hardware into the Parrot minidrone, but when I try to spin the motors, I get the error "Connection with Parrot mini-drone at failed. Ensure that the parrot mini-drone is powered on and connected to the computer via bluetooth" I also modeled the configuration parameters correctly. If anyone can help me please, I would really appreciate it.

Best Answer

Hello, Mario
The IP address is from Parrot Rolling Spider and not for the Parrot Mambo (, which means that in somewhere on MATLAB/Simulink it is configured to deploy the software for the Rolling Spider hardware. I did not have this problem performing the following steps:
1. On the MATLAB tab ¨Project Shortcuts¨ click on ¨Set Mambo Model¨and then click on ¨Set PARROT Target¨. This will make sure that the software is meant to be deployed to the Mambo Model and define it as the target;
2. On Simulink, open ¨Model Configuration Parameters¨, select ¨Hardware Implementation Section¨ and verify if ¨PARROT Mambo¨ is the selected hardware board. There you can even see the IP address designated for the PARROT Minidrones (¨Hardware board settings¨->¨Target hardware resources¨->¨External mode¨).
You can confirm the selected model in MATLAB by typing ¨model¨ in the command window. If the problem persists, send a print of the code generation diagnostics and of the interface as well.