MATLAB: Problem Displaying Unit Test Results

MATLABtableunit test

I am following the unit test documentation and specifically walking through I can run the tests for this example and get the correct output.
Running SolverTestClass
Done SolverTestClass
res =
1x2 TestResult array with properties:
2 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Incomplete.
0.0074939 seconds testing time.
So, I know that I am correctly returned an array of TestResults. For some reason, converting this array to a table does not provide a display containing the properties of the TestResult class. Instead of the super useful summary table that I'm expecting from the website, I'm getting this instead:
>> rt = table(res)
rt =
[1x2 matlab.unittest.TestResult]
I've played around quite a bit, but since this is diverging from what seems like such a basic step, I figured that I should post the question. I'm running R2014a, and must be missing something basic…

Best Answer

Hi Christopher,
The table conversion method from TestResult was added in release R2014b, so it just seems you don't have the feature yet.
Hope that helps, Andy