MATLAB: Problem converting cell to string

cell arrayMATLABsprintfstring

I want to convert my cell
to a string that would look like this:
StringFromU ='[[1,4],[1,5],[1,6],[2,4],[2,5],[2,6],[3,4],[3,5],[3,6]]';
I've tried using this:
A = cell2mat(U)
allOneStringUUU = sprintf('%.0f,' , A);
allOneStringUUU = allOneStringUUU(1:end-1)
that gives this output
allOneStringUUU =
but i still need all of the [ and ] to be added. Could you please help me?
P.S. That U cell can be different size, so something like this
Should still be converted to this string:
StringFromU ='[[1,4],[1,5]]';

Best Answer

See if this does what you want:
Ud = reshape(cell2mat(U'), [], 2);
Out = sprintf('[%.0f,%.0f],', Ud');
Out = sprintf('[%s]', Out(1:end-1))
Out =