MATLAB: Problem connecting NeuroSky Mindwave Mobile to Matlab

mindwave mobilewin32 error

I am trying to connect the headset to Matlab but this error came up. I'm using Matlab R2015b on Windows 10 64bit OS. Can anyone help?
Error using loadlibrary
There was an error loading the library "C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\Thinkgear.dll"
C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\Thinkgear.dll is not a valid Win32 application.
Error in readRAWnew (line 26)
Caused by:
Error using loaddefinedlibrary
C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\Thinkgear.dll is not a valid Win32 application.
The code that I used:
function readRAW
%run this function to connect and plot raw EEG data
%make sure to change portnum1 to the appropriate COM port
clear all
close all
data = zeros(1,256); %preallocate buffer
portnum1 = 6; %COM Port #
comPortName1 = sprintf('\\\\.\\COM%d', portnum1);
% Baud rate for use with TG_Connect() and TG_SetBaudrate().
TG_BAUD_57600 = 57600;
% Data format for use with TG_Connect() and TG_SetDataFormat().
% Data type that can be requested from TG_GetValue().
%load thinkgear dll
fprintf('Thinkgear.dll loaded\n');
%get dll version
dllVersion = calllib('Thinkgear', 'TG_GetDriverVersion');
fprintf('ThinkGear DLL version: %d\n', dllVersion );
Get a connection ID handle to ThinkGear
connectionId1 = calllib('Thinkgear', 'TG_GetNewConnectionId');
if ( connectionId1 < 0 )
error( sprintf( 'ERROR: TG_GetNewConnectionId() returned %d.\n', connectionId1 ) );
% Set/open stream (raw bytes) log file for connection
errCode = calllib('Thinkgear', 'TG_SetStreamLog', connectionId1, 'streamLog.txt' );
if( errCode < 0 )
error( sprintf( 'ERROR: TG_SetStreamLog() returned %d.\n', errCode ) );
% Set/open data (ThinkGear values) log file for connection
errCode = calllib('Thinkgear', 'TG_SetDataLog', connectionId1, 'dataLog.txt' );
if( errCode < 0 )
error( sprintf( 'ERROR: TG_SetDataLog() returned %d.\n', errCode ) );
% Attempt to connect the connection ID handle to serial port "COM3"
errCode = calllib('Thinkgear', 'TG_Connect', connectionId1,comPortName1,TG_BAUD_57600,TG_STREAM_PACKETS );
if ( errCode < 0 )
error( sprintf( 'ERROR: TG_Connect() returned %d.\n', errCode ) );
fprintf( 'Connected. Reading Packets...\n' );
%record data
j = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 10240) %loop for 20 seconds
if (calllib('Thinkgear','TG_ReadPackets',connectionId1,1) == 1) %if a packet was read...
if (calllib('Thinkgear','TG_GetValueStatus',connectionId1,TG_DATA_RAW) ~= 0) %if RAW has been updated
j = j + 1;
i = i + 1;
data(j) = calllib('Thinkgear','TG_GetValue',connectionId1,TG_DATA_RAW);
if (j == 256)
plotRAW(data); %plot the data, update every .5 seconds (256 points)
j = 0;
calllib('Thinkgear', 'TG_FreeConnection', connectionId1 );

Best Answer

You are trying to call a 32 bit driver from a 64 bit version of MATLAB. You will need to run the 32 bit version of MATLAB. (Even then, you might have additional problems due to compatibility problems that are present in Windows 10)
Note: R2015b will be the last 32 bit version of MATLAB.
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