MATLAB: Problem Calculating Nonlinear Indefinite Integral

MATLABnonlinear integration

I am trying to calculate a nonlinear integral t^5.2 *exp((-x^6.2-x*(0.2*4.5^6.2))/4.5^6.2) in order to solve an equation, where the unknown is the lower limit of integrations.Although i use "int" in order to calculate the integral, Matlab returns the equation.Is my equation too complicated or there is another way to get a solution ?I am quite new in Matlab, so any help would be appreciated.
I would like to thank you in advance for the time dealing with my query.

Best Answer

Since you neglected to tell us values for a and b, I'll just set them to a=2 and b=1. You have also two definitions for g(x), so I've used the one in your code. Like the previous poster suggested, I'll embed integral inside fsolve:
g = @(x) x.^5.*exp((-x.^5-x*(4^6))/4^6) ;
Q = @(k) integral(g,k,k+2);
a = 2; b = 1; % Set these to whatever
k0 = 1; % Need a start guess here.
k = fsolve(@(k) Q(k) - a/b, k0)